Over 99% of students are registered by their instructor.
First-time User? Click the Home link (above) and then the Student Login link. Enter your university email as BOTH your username AND password.
Returning user? Click the Home link (above) and then the Student Login link. Enter your university email as your username and your previous password.

If you forgot your password, Click Here.

If you can't get logged in, it may be because your instructor has not received the class roll from the registrar and enrolled you at this time.
 If it is 2-3 days before your first lab and your are still not enrolled, please contact your instructor. 

For the < 1% of students who need to self-enroll, select your school from the list below, click the Submit button, and choose your class . . . . if no classes appear for self-enrollment, then your professor will enroll you.